Wednesday, September 3, 2003

How Strange Am I?

If anyone has been reading this, and checked out my favorite sites, they may think I am off my rocker.  I do love to go to the Weekly World News site.  I DO NOT believe in the stuff they print.  I just find it soooo very funny.  I mean, how could you not find the stuff about bat boys, hybrid babies, etc. not funny?  And the pictures!!!!

AOL asks you to send them e-mail about journals.  So I tried to voice an opinon, ask a question.  But their mail box is full!!  Has been for at least 2 days.  Are they keeping it that way on purpose?  Just how may e-mails does it take to fill a mail box?  Maybe they don't really want to hear from us.  So, AOL if you are reading this, CLEAN OUT YOUR MAIL BOX!

It is so weird how fast time goes by the older you get.  And even weirder (is that a word?) is how fast time goes when your on line.  Why is that?  Ok, the older I get, the more I want/have to do so my time is filled more than when I was younger.  Maybe that is part of the problem.

I have been working on a list of things to do for a support group I attend.  My list is called "Bored and Broke?"  I have came up with a fairly good size list, but for most of the things you have to be able to spend a little money ($5 - $10).  Nothing is free anymore.  The odd thing is, I'm sitting here with a list of things to do when bored, but when I get bored I really can't find anything on the list I want to do.  Well, maybe my list will help someone.

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