Thursday, June 26, 2008

A New Place

I have decided for reasons that really aren't clear to me to close out this journal and start a new one.  Maybe one day I will understand why I feel a need to do this.  Maybe I will even come back here one day.  But for now you can find me over here:  Chasing The Wind


Saturday, June 21, 2008


Several new entries over here:  Forever Forward  Bet you forgot about that journal.  Wouldn't blame you.  I haven't added to it in a long time.


Tomorrow's It!

Tomorrow is it.  The big day.  The once a year day.  The day I try to celebrate for about a week or so.

Yep.  Tomorrow is the anniversary of my 21st birthday.  Which anniversary?  Ha Ha.  You know a lady NEVER tells her age!  Let's just say that if you take how old you think you'll be when you die and divide it in half......that makes me past middle age.  Oh my goodness..........

Other news.......

My aunt's house hasn't sold yet.  There is a problem with some paper work.  The other guy's lawyer is being a pain in the butt.   The sale may still happen if the lawyers can get their act together.

Someone stole some stuff from the back of my dad's house sometime in the past 2 or 3 days.  Great.  The big thing was a chain saw.  Dad has a light out back that has a motion sensor on it.  The thieves busted out the light!  The nerve! 

Dad and I went to visit my great aunt N.  She lives in a nursing/assisted living place about 30 minutes from here.  I hadn't actually seen her since I was a little kid.  I spoke to her on the phone a few times when mom was sick.  I have been writing and sending her cards for about a year now.  She wrote me into her will so I figure the least I can do is go for a visit.  She didn't recognize me (or dad) at first.  Had to tell her who we where (that is how long since we have seen each other.)

Got myself a few computer games for my birthday.  I like the "CSI: Miami" one.  I don't watch the show but the game is cool.

Take care.

My first birthday without mom.  It still doesn't seem real.


PS:  Hey, J-land is coming up on it't 5 year anniversary!  Can ya believe it?  I have been here almost since the very beginning!  WOO HOO


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

So the good news has bad news attached to it

Just got a call from the real estate agent.  The buyer's attornery want all these forms and crap since mom's estate isn't "final" yet.  I don't know what the stuff is or how to get it.  And I can assure you I won't be able to get all the running around done by Monday.  There is no way.  Why did they wait until the last minute to ask for all this stuff?  Why the heck do they want a list of my aunt's survivors?  The house was in my mom's name.

This is crap, crap, crap, and more crap.  I guess the house won't get sold after all.   Crap.



First the good news.......

My mom's sister died 3 years ago this month and we have be trying to sell her house ever since.  We finally got a offer (tons less than we were asking but we want to be rid of the house) and today dad got a call from the real estate agent.  We need to go to the lawyer by Friday to sign the papers and everything will be over on Monday!!!!  I am so happy. 

Dad has been spending money on that house-- paying taxes, electric bill, having the yard mowed, etc..... so it is great to finally get it off our hands.

The next best part:  The plan all along has been to take the money from the sale of the house and use it to pay off my house!  Oh yeah!!!  Can't image not having to make house payments.  But I can really use the money towards other things.  My mom was paying my cable/internet bill and for my visits to the shrink ($75 a visit), dad is trying to help on those things but it is best if I can find a way to work it out by myself.  With no house payments it will be much easier.


On the bad part of life:

I still haven't heard from my brother.  Maybe I should call him again.  Maybe not.  I just don't know.

My birthday is coming up next week and it is already hard trying to decide on how to celebrate it without mom.  It is really hard.  I know I will get through it somehow but at the moment it doesn't feel like it. 



Saturday, May 31, 2008

Brother dear

The last time I spoke to my brother was when I called him to tell him that mom had died.  I asked him to call his 2 daughters that no longer live at home and tell them.  He said ok.

I got a call from my niece N last week asking about mom.  I started crying and ask didn't her dad call her?  No, he hadn't.  I felt so bad.  I told her about mom and she said "I don't know what to say" I said that I was so sorry and I should have called her myself.

My dad spoke briefly to my brother on the day we buried mom.  He said he wasn't coming to the funeral. 

I called my brother a week ago Friday.  I got his voice mail so I left a message asking him to call me or dad.

So far neither I nor dad has heard from him.

So now what?

Maybe I made him mad.  A day or so after the funeral I mailed him a copy of the funeral program thingy the funeral home prints out.

Dad says that since mom is no longer here that we won't hear from him again.  I have always felt that would be true but I guess I had hoped it wouldn't be so.  Mom so wanted to believe that my brother and would be close.  She thought right before she died that he was changing and would be here for me.  Guess she was wrong.


On June 3rd it will have been a month since mom passed.

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Monday, May 26, 2008

So I am driving down the road.......

My dad and I went to visit his sister Betty today.  She lives about 45 minutes away.  While going down this country road I see this HUGE bird.  No wait could it be a wild turkey?  Heck no!  There sitting in someone's front yard (well one was chowing down on some poor dead animal) are 2 (count 'em one, two) vultures!  I have seen pictures of the birds and on Animal Planet but never in real life.  Such a strange sight to see.  Oh if you are eating you don't want to read about their eating habits right now.  Ick.

And to toon guy (and everyone else who loves reading reviews) who loves to give his reviews on foods, have you read this?  Potato Chip Taste Test - AOL Food  Am I the only one that hasn't heard of most of these chips?  Do I need to spend more time on the chip aisle at the grocery store?  Just hand over some Lay's chips and I am fine.

Cat laing om my right hand.  Typung with left hand hard.  Sophie wont move.  Guess i will have to shut up now.  lol
