Friday, January 23, 2004

funny story

This isn't a story about me.  This is one my pastor was telling us about this past Sunday.  Pastor G said that he has never understood people who like to read just for entertainment.  He reads to learn, but not just to sit down and enjoy a good book.  Now, he says that he doesn't remember the story I'm about to tell you here, but that he has been told several times in his life about it.  When he was about 9 or 10 years old he was excited to see what Grandma was giving him for Christmas.  When he opened the gift it was a book.  Black Beauty.  He starts crying!  When asked why was he crying, he asked --  What did I do to Grandma to make her mad enough to give me a book?  Now, we all know that Grandma wasn't mad, but this shows how much he hated reading even then.

I cannot understand why people don't enjoy reading myself.  Maybe it is because mom read to us when we were little.  I don't know, but I have always loved to read and if you were ever in my house you could tell by the amount of books you will find.


Anonymous said...

LOL! Well, my mom was a school teacher so there was no if's ands or buts about it. I used ot hate reading when I was young, but LOVE it now. :-)


Anonymous said...

I love reading but like your pastor mine consists of "reading to learn"...but I read everything I can get my hands on and I learn a lot. Rarely do I read for enjoyment but I do love John Grisham novels. :)

Anonymous said...

I've only read under ten novels in my life. I love history, psychology and autobiographies and biographies. I too have to feel as if I'm learning something. I get lost in and bored wth all of the adjectives in novels. Yet I like writing them. : )