Wednesday, October 22, 2003


I can't believe that andreakingme is going through the same thing I am with Ashley.  We are praying for her kitty Buddy to poop within the next few hours.  It is so hard having a sick pet that you know is going to die.

Ashley has been so inactive since I got her home today.  All I can do is look at her and cry.  I want to do what is best for her NOT what I think is best for me.  She seems as bad or worse than when I left her at the vet.  I hope tomorrow will be different.  If not, well, I don't know what I will do. 

Any pets that my family has had to put to sleep was due to a sudden problem that there was nothing you could do anything for.  It had to be done right then, no time to grieve before making the decision.  I knew that Ashley was having some problems before these past few weeks, but I didn't think it was fatal.  I don't know how to deal with the news. 

I don't want to leave Ashley alone right now.  Ok, I know that sounds stupid, I can't do anything for her, but I am afraid if I leave she will die, and she will be alone.  I know it is stupid.  So don't write and tell me that.

I had my dad get some film today and we took some pictures of Ashley.  Most of what I have is a couple years old.  I want some more of she and I together but I hate to pick her up because I know she feels so bad.

I so hate the thought of the upcoming trip to Dr. B.  Ashley so hates her carrier and the car ride.  It seems so mean to make her go through that just to be put to sleep.  She should be at home. 


Anonymous said...

Hey, I feel for you. I am a vet tech at a Cat only hospital. It's so sad to hear a feline companion of 15+ years having CRF. We all know too well abt CRF. You should never feel stupid that you want to be with her. Think abt how you would feel if you passed away alone. Suggestion: if you are close with your vet, ask him to make a house call to have Ashley pass away at home. It gives less stress on Ashley and you. DJ

Anonymous said...

I agree with rebafandj. Ask your vet if he/she will come to your house. Or, if that's not an option, have someone drive you, okay?

Ashley's not eating or drinking?

Anonymous said...

Just a thought...I thought of you when we had to put down a cat with CRF for 4 years (that's really a long time!). We always get their pawprints. You go to any craft store, pick any color clay you want (Supefy i think it's called). Make a palm sized flat circle, and take Ashely's least you have her pawprint. I regret for not getting my cat's after she was killed by a car, and her name was Ashely too. :-( How is she doing now? ~DJ

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry you're having to go through such a tramatic thing. We cat lovers, love our cat's like they're our children. They are apart of our hearts & our families. Please don't feel silly for being sad or having a sence of impending loss. Your Ashley sounds like a lucky girl... she's loved. Enjoy every minute you have left w/ her. And I don't care what anyone says, Cats are people too & there's a spot in heaven for every one of God's creations... Blessings

Anonymous said...

Cat girl! How is Ashley doing?

{{{ Ashley }}}