Wednesday, October 15, 2003

I Can Be So Stupid

I have done some stupid things in my life, but today.  I am almost to embarrassed to tell you.   I went to the bank today.  Got money out of the ATM.  I noticed that the $20 bill has changed it's look again.  I get home, can't find my ATM card anywhere.  You know I left it in the machine.  I had to have.  I rush back to the bank.  The teller says that the machine sucks cards back in that have been left behind.  I see a light.  The bank will call as soon as the ATM people come out to service the machine, around 3:00.  The light at the end of my tunnel gets really bright.  Then the call.   No card.  Is that a train I see at the end of my tunnel?  Gotta call and cancel that card.  Who knows where it is by now.  It took me less than 30 minutes to miss the blasted thing, and it's gone.  Ok, everyone at the bank says it happens all the time, don't feel bad.  Well folks, it doesn't happen to me all the time and I feel bad.  I feel soooo stupid.  How could I have done such a thing?

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