Sunday, November 12, 2006

Do you ever wonder?

Do you ever wonder about other people's lives?  Are they as happy as they seem?  Do they have enough money/food?  Do they have friends and family?  Are they all alone?  What their hopes and dreams are?  Or have they given up on having hopes and dreams?  Do they care about anyone?  Does anyone care about them? Is someone dependent on them?  Are they the type that just kind of float through life or type that struggles?  Do they look forward to waking up the next day? Or just as soon not be able to wake up?  Are they nice or mean?  What made them that way?  Do they understand people that have more/less than they do?  If they were to die tomorrow would anyone notice?  Anyone care?  Anyone show up for the funeral?  Would there be so many at the funeral that the church would be overflowing? Would the florist run out of flowers?

Do you ever really wonder?  Do you ever really care?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I often wonder if anyone would come besides family to my funeral. I think It would be sparse sinec I dont have many friend.s I don wonde about others and funeral and do the people ther REALLY care. I wonder when I see someone in the market are they dealing with the tradgeies in life. do they know that last night (this was friday atarbys) I fought with mydad to keep him from taking his own life. did they just go thru soemting horrid too?????????