Tuesday, December 9, 2003

Over at Unhinged Andrea is asking about Christmas memories.  I have been trying really hard to come up with some.  I just can't seem to remember much.  My brain just doesn't work as good as it used to.  But let me try to come up with something.

When I was 6 or 7 we had one of those aluminum trees.  My mom wasn't so crazy about it, but I liked it.  You couldn't put electric lights on it so it come with this "light wheel" thing that you sat on the floor below the tree, it would slowly turn and different colored lights would reflect on the tree.  I have often wondered what happened to that tree. 

When I was a teenager my family would sit up on Christmas Eve and we would open our presents at midnight.  Why?  So mom could sleep late on Christmas day.  And it wasn't my brother or myself that would wake her up early.  Nope.  Dear old dad was worse than any of us kids were.  He is the one that would get up at the crack of dawn to open presents! 



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