Sunday, December 3, 2006

Silly Quiz

Go Take The Silly Quiz!  Now

Bet you can't answer all the questions correctly!!! Bet ya can't!!!!



Anonymous said...

I'll go and try.

Anonymous said...

Which of Santa's reindeers needs to mind his manners
 the most? cupid

 What did the Gingerbread Man put on his bed? gum drops

 What reindeer has the cleanest antlers? comet

 What do they call Santa's helpers? elves

 What kind of a virus can reindeer catch? red nose

 What is Frosty the Snowman's favorite breakfast
 cereal? frosted flakes

 What do Santa's beard and a Christmas tree have in
 common? snow

 What did Santa say to Mrs. Claus as he looked out the
  window? it's foggy

 What kind of cereal does Santa eat? cookie crisp

 Which two letters describe a slippery sidewalk? fu

 What two letters are used by the elves to describe
 Santa's bag the day after Christmas? fl

Which burn longer: the candles on a Christmas cake, on a
 fruit cake or on the mantle of  a fireplace? mantle of a fireplace

Did you know there's only 12 seconds in a year? no there isn't

What bites but has no teeth? snow

What is the end of Christmas? s

Is it better to write a letter to Santa on an empty
stomach or a full stomach? full stomach