I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend.
Christmas Day was lousy for me. My brother
and his 16 year old daughter came down and
spent a few hours at mom's house.
I love my brother. And he is my brother so
I feel I have the right to call him names if I
choose to do so. And I do. I never really
let myself believe it before but now I do.
My brother is the horses rear-end. And my
mom agrees. R made mom so mad. Mom
didn't hear something he said and she said
something about old age and hearing loss
and my brother starts making all kinds of
jokes about it. No one said anything but he
really p.o.'d me and mom.
These smiling flowers are here to help put
me in a better mood. So far they aren't
The place where my aunt is now living called
me today. My aunt is ok, but the doctor feels
that we should consider moving her to a place
that specializes in alzheimer's patients. What?
My aunt has dementia sure but I didn't think
she was that bad off.
According to the nurses my aunt likes to roam
at night. During the day she is ok, but at night
instead of sleeping she likes to roam around.
Now what to do? I will have to go tomorrow
for a face-to-face with the doctor. I just
don't know if she is that bad or they just
don't want to be responsible if she gets
out of the building.
I don't know the first thing about any of
the places they told me about. Have no
idea on how to check them out. I worry
that I will pick one of the bad ones, or
that my aunt will go down hill even faster
if we move her. But then if we don't move
her and she mananges to walk out of the
place we have her in.............I want to thank those of you that helped
Sylvia with the technical issues she was
having. It is great how people just pitched
in. I don't know if any of you had been to
her place before but it didn't matter. Just
mention a problem and you guys are there.
Thank you so much.
Monday, December 27, 2004
Is this year over yet?
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Sorry that your brother put such a damper on your Christmas Day, sometimes things like that happen when you try to force families together for a holiday.
Tough position you are in with your aunt, I remember when choices like that had to be made when my Grandmother's Alzheimer's got real bad, I'm glad that I was not the one having to make all the decisions for her. Good luck and follow your heart.
*** Coy ***
Oh Kathy, I am so sorry. If it helps any....my Christmas was the same! I will pray for your Aunt and hope things get better for you and her. Hugs ~Wendy~
Sorry you had problems with your brother on Christmas... yep, I'm sure there are many families that weren't picture-perfect over the holidays...
I do hope that you are able to figure out the best place for your Aunt, I can imagine it would be stressful to know the best thing to do. I'm sure you'll make some good decisions, Kathy-- I have faith in you. xxoo, Albert
Let yourself be mad, sweetie. No rule against it.
*I have a friend who is in management of such a place. Very progressive (even for here). They have parties, "happy hours" where the employees hang out with the patients. He is a Very Good Old Friend, and I will provide you his number, I know he'll be glad to speak with you about what is and isn't status quo. I know it's not the same state, but the generalities might help.
much love and a hug
Hate to hear the doctor is wanting you to move your aunt. It puts so much pressure on you again, and could be rough on your aunt too. SItuations like this are so difficult. Will keep you in prayer. I know if we put this in the Lord's hands it will turn out alright. Hugs. *Barb*
Glad your friend gother tech issues fixed. wish I could get mine fixed with the router LOL I m not fond of Linksys. Tech help has heavy dialect and 8 phone calls and all I can say is better but not right yet.Sorry ot hear about your brother and aunt. Alzhiemers is scarry. You know my grandmother and great aunt and grandfather died of it. I m sure my mom has it too and wont admit it. Its very hard. I wish we had places that specialize in tha around here I feel my grandmothers quality of life would have been better in the last few years. Lori
Wow what a tough decision. If it were me I would pop in unannounced where your Aunt is now and see what's going on. If you think she needs to be moved I would do the same thing at all the facilities they listed for you. Just pop in unannounced and see what's really going on. Maybe, if you are lucky you will run into some family members of other residents and can get some feedback from them.
Sorry to hear you had a lousy Christmas. I can relate...I have a sister that is a pain - to put it mildly. If I were you in respect to your aunt, I'd visit every single one of those specialized centers at the busiest part of the day...if that's possible for you. I'd hang out for a while too and listen and watch very attentively to the staff and how they interact with the patients. My grandmother was in one of those and it was awesome. People who work in those types of centers generally are more patient and caring, which would probably benefit your aunt while she's trying to cope with the change. You sure are going through alot...my prayers are with you.
Be blessed....Trina
I used to live a block away from an old folks home and every once in a while I would see an elderly person walkin down the road past our house straight for the sawmill. I would watch and then I would see a nurse haulin ass out the front door and lead the ole gal or guy back in. Hey it's their job!
how do u get all these preety backgrounds on all ur entries i want to learn please help me!!!!
how do u get all these preety backgrounds on all ur entries i want to learn please help me!!!!
..maybe it will cheer me up abit in my journals
Ah, man...Sorry!
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