Wednesday, July 21, 2004

a summer re-run for you.


My favorite place

One of my favorite places is...are you sitting down?  I love to hang out in graveyards.  Ok, I know that you are thinking I am some sort of  crazy person.  And hey, I may very well be crazy.  But listen to what I have to say THEN make up your mind.

We have this really old graveyard here in town and I used to go and read the gravestones.  It is really very interesting.  There is a whole section of graves of little kids that all died at about the same age during one year.  It must have been a deadly flu outbreak or something.  The older the stones the more you could tell about the person.  You can tell if they had money--the writing cost per word then, so the more money you had the more you could put on a grave marker.  There is so much that can be learned from cemetaries.

Anyway, when I was just reading my way through the graveyard I discovered something.  And THIS is why I love cemetaries.  It is quite in a graveyard.  Even if other people are there it's like they will be whispering as if they were in church or something.  If you have had really bad day and want to cry, go stand by someone's grave and cry.  If anyone sees you they won't come up and ask what is wrong.  They just assume you are crying over whoever is buried there.  Also some places even have benches where you can sit and be alone.

So class, what have we learned?  Gravestone reading can be fun and educational. But as for MY purposes, the cemetary is quite, you can cry if you wish without anyone wanting to know what is wrong, and it is a good place to just be alone with your thoughts.

Am I crazy?  I don't think so.  Some people have but when I explained it to them, they were like "yeah, I can understand that".

Graveyards spooky?  Not really.  Do you really believe something is going to come up from the ground and grab you?  I DON'T recommend hanging out in one at night alone because there are some LIVE nuts that could create problems for you.

The spooky's time I have had in a graveyard was at night (no, I wasn't alone, and my boyfriend with me).  The place is at the end of a dead end street and surrounded by trees on 3 1/2 sides.  What you couldn't tell is that at night (in the winter time especially) if you looked out towards one area of trees you could see the headlight of a train that was going by on the other side of the trees and across the road.  Seeing the light and not realizing it was a train at first was a little spooky.  But when you heard the train whistle it was just down right erie.




Anonymous said...

No I agree there is a real sense of history in visiting a graveyard.

Anonymous said...

yes graveyards can be a historical lesson.  I like reading the stones too, but I don't go there just because.


Anonymous said...

You know, I never thought of all that.  I am not afraid of graveyards, but haven't spent much time in them either.  But I guess you could go there and cry without being bothered......


Anonymous said...

it is a good place to just be alone with your thoughts.

I agree. I used to go around sunset, and take negatively exposed digital pics. With the light, and the exposure, I got some shots that truly looked to be" not of this earth".
Later Tater,

Anonymous said...

Good ReRun choice, I hadn't read it the first time, since I'm still new at this.  Personally, I find graveyards spoooooooky and steer clear.  My Little 4 year old is fascinated by them "Guess what Mommy, all those people that live there are DEAD!!"  she told me this the other day!


Anonymous said...

You're right, history lives on in cemetaries. I've found lots of stories in them and discovered hidden ones that were from the Civil War, probably hastily put together in battles. It is like coming upon a private story preserved. The Indian burial mounds throughout our country are like that. I grew up with my father's grave near my grandparent's home and for me it was an incredible experience, especially as my aging family filled up the spaces around him. They wanted to make sure they would be there! We have three family plots in the same cemetary, three to four generations. There is a wonderful poem "Town Without A Market" about the lives in a cemetary. Can't remember the poet. Thanks for visiting me and Merry Christmas in July!
Suzy Colorado
The Adventures of Suzy Colorado

Anonymous said...

Great choice for a rerun! When my grandmother was alive she lived just down the street from a huge graveyard and my sister and I always went there to play. We loved it.

Anonymous said...

Great choice for a rerun! When my grandmother was alive she lived just down the street from a huge graveyard and my sister and I always went there to play. We loved it.