The last couple of days has
been crazy. Where to
I told you that the place
where my aunt has been
living wants us to move her.
We went to talk to her
doctor and found out why.
Evidently my aunt has
started wandering and
taking her clothes off.
Yep, my aunt took her
clothes off in the dining
room. She has also went
into a man's room and
flashed him.
Of course my aunt does
not remember doing
these things and thinks
people are lieing to here.
Then yesterday I get a
call that the home is
sending my aunt to
the emergency room.
Why? She isn't acting
herself and they had to
give her oxygen.
Long night at the ER to
learn nothing.
They did a cat scan this
morning but I don't know
what has come of it.
Still trying to find a place
to move my aunt to. It
is not as easy as just pick-
ing a place out of the phone
book. Even my lawyer is
having problems finding a
So that is what has been
consuming my life this week.
Thursday, December 30, 2004
The last Thursday in 2004
Monday, December 27, 2004
Is this year over yet?
I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend.
Christmas Day was lousy for me. My brother
and his 16 year old daughter came down and
spent a few hours at mom's house.
I love my brother. And he is my brother so
I feel I have the right to call him names if I
choose to do so. And I do. I never really
let myself believe it before but now I do.
My brother is the horses rear-end. And my
mom agrees. R made mom so mad. Mom
didn't hear something he said and she said
something about old age and hearing loss
and my brother starts making all kinds of
jokes about it. No one said anything but he
really p.o.'d me and mom.
These smiling flowers are here to help put
me in a better mood. So far they aren't
The place where my aunt is now living called
me today. My aunt is ok, but the doctor feels
that we should consider moving her to a place
that specializes in alzheimer's patients. What?
My aunt has dementia sure but I didn't think
she was that bad off.
According to the nurses my aunt likes to roam
at night. During the day she is ok, but at night
instead of sleeping she likes to roam around.
Now what to do? I will have to go tomorrow
for a face-to-face with the doctor. I just
don't know if she is that bad or they just
don't want to be responsible if she gets
out of the building.
I don't know the first thing about any of
the places they told me about. Have no
idea on how to check them out. I worry
that I will pick one of the bad ones, or
that my aunt will go down hill even faster
if we move her. But then if we don't move
her and she mananges to walk out of the
place we have her in.............I want to thank those of you that helped
Sylvia with the technical issues she was
having. It is great how people just pitched
in. I don't know if any of you had been to
her place before but it didn't matter. Just
mention a problem and you guys are there.
Thank you so much.
Someone needs our technical help
Over in my "where to find help" journal someone left this comment:
Comment Added
A comment has been posted to the Journal:
Where to find AOL Journal help
FAQ: How do I align pictures in my entries?
Comment from: sylviam4000
"I am having probs viewing entries on my journal. Text isn't "wrapping itself around to next line. The page is ridiculously wide to view.
Does anyone know how to help? Who might have the answer for her? Please folks I am sure someone out there knows how to help Sylvia. Either help her directly (and leave me a comment so I know someone is helping her) or you can work thru me to help her out.
Friday, December 24, 2004
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Hello there
I hope that this background isn't too busy for you
to read off of. If it is, well, sorry.
I have been meaning to update on all kinds of things
but I just haven't gotten around to it.
Dallas -- my 19 yr old cat -- she is doing 100%
better. Which is amazing to me. This past week-
end I was thinking it may be her "time". I took
her to the vet Friday and he gave her a shot to
help with pain and to help her back get better.
Friday night around midnight Dallas had a
seziure. Scared me to death. Called Dr B first
thing Saturday morning and he said it isn't uncommon
in older cats to have seziures. Unless she has one
that she takes forever to come out of or has one
right after another he really can't diagonis unless
he sees her have one. He just did blood work less
than 2 weeks ago and it didn't show anything.
Anyways, Dallas didn't eat anything at all from
friday to sunday nite. I was really scared for
her all she did was sleep. When she need the litter
box she used the floor instead. Sunday night mom
told me to open a can of tuna to see if she would eat
that. Answers to prayers she did. And she started
getting better right then. Started acting better,
eatting and making it to the litter box.
Sadie is doing great. Dr B gave her a shot yester-
day. This time it was to hopefully stop one of her
esphogus spams BEFORE it happens. And she had
lost a tenth of a pound so he is worried about that.
Doesn't sound like a lot of weight but when you
only weigh 5.4 pounds.........
Hopefully the kitties are all well and will stay that
way through the holidays. It is so hard having them
both sick at the same time.
My Aunt E is doing ok. She knows more now than
she did when she first had the strokes. She is
a little upset over her living arraingements. Aunt
E wants to go live with my parents. But that really
isn't practical at this point. Last year mom asked
her to move in with them but she wouldn't do it.
Other brother and his youngest is
coming down Christmas day. That is big news with
mom because they rarely visit. Long story.....
Yesterday it was freezing here, today isn't too bad
should get up into the 60's tomorrow. One weather
guy says if you want a white christmas head for the
beach. Yep, says that the coast might have snow.
How weird is that? I live closer to the mountains,
but the coast may get snow for christmas.
I am still bummed out about my pastor leaving (and
Dec 26th is his last day) and the reasons why he
is leaving. I am trying so hard to believe that God
will bring someone as good or better to us. Maybe
a single one. Yea, one around my age.....LOL
Ever wonder what I wonder about this time of
year? Oh, you know you do.
Well then ----->
Sunday, December 19, 2004
my favorite christmas song
Do You Hear What I Hear?
Said the night wind to the little lamb,
do you see what I see
Way up in the sky, little lamb,
do you see what I see
A star, a star, dancing in the night
With a tail as big as a kite
With a tail as big as a kite
Said the little lamb to the shepherd boy,
do you hear what I hear
Ringing through the sky, shepherd boy,
do you here what I hear
A song, a song, high above the trees
With a voice as big as the sea
With a voice as big as the sea
Said the shepherd boy to the mighty king,
do you know what I know
In your palace warm, mighty king,
do you know what I know
A Child, a Child shivers in the cold
Let us bring Him silver and gold
Let us bring Him silver and gold
Said the king to the people everywhere,
listen to what I say
Pray for peace, people everywhere!
listen to what I say
The Child, the Child, sleeping in the night
He will bring us goodness and light
He will bring us goodness and light
Saturday, December 18, 2004
The Christmas Ball
Ok folks, I haven't read anyone talking about it but it is coming upon us so fast that you are not going to be ready unless you hop to it.
What? The Christmas Ball. Like our anniversary ball it takes place here in J-land's cyber-space. And like before ladies you must cyber shop for just the right gown to be "seen" in. Vivian had a fairy god mother to do her shopping. I don't have a fairy god mother so I had to do it on my own.
This is what I will be wearing to the ball:
shoes will be dyed to match dress perfectly.
and bracelet:
I don't have a date as yet (and I won't "lower" myself in letting someone hire and actor to escourt me Vivian lol) but I am sure some gentleman in J-land will be sure that I won't have to go all alone to the big party.
Be sure to catch up on all of J-land's holiday happenings at "Holiday Happenings in J-land" journal.
Friday, December 17, 2004
The very BEST and MOST SPECIAL gift i have ever received
This is my entry into Judith's contest "the very best
and most special gift I have ever received". The link
to the contest is here.
I have read some of the other entries and feel that
mine is small in comparison but what the heck.
The very BEST and MOST SPECIAL gift I have
ever received:
Daisies are my very favorite flower. I had a boy-
friend once tell me that he was glad I loved daisies
because they were so much cheaper than roses.
Funny thing, I don't remember him ever giving me
any kind of flower.........
Back to the story......
When I was 13 to 15 or so I was so in love with
the boy next door. And he liked me too. We
went to our very first school dance together.
We even walked to school together most mornings.
You can imange imagine how crushed we both were
when his parents announced they were moving to
another county.
But we did keep in touch for a while. He sent me a
couple of letters (which I still have) and we talked
on the phone some. Whenever his mom was coming
to town she would drop him off for a visit.
B was always bringing me small little gifts. I still
have 2 of them. One is this little rock that says
"I love you" on it. The other I have looks nothing
like it did the day he gave it to me, but means
just as much. It is my very best and most special
One day in the dead of winter B shows up at my
house with a daisy. Just one. And not the hot house
kind you would find in stores in the winter. But a
daisy that looked like he had picked it out of the
field beside where he was living at the time.
I asked him a million times where he got a wild
daisy in the winter and he never would tell me.
It was the first flower a boy had ever given me.
And at the age of 15 years old this boy knew my
favorite flower and got it for me.
Why is a lowly daisy my favorite gift of all time?
Maybe because of who gave it to me? No, well,
maybe. But I think the fact that he knew what
I loved and went out of his way to get it for me
was the most special thing anyone has ever done
for me.
So, Judith that is my entry into your contest. Thank
you for reminding me of this story. Even if I don't
win it is still a great memory to me.
Off to the vet, again.
I love my kitties. I hate taking them to the
vet. Last week I had to take both cats, and today
it will be the same.
I knew I would be taking Sadie in today
because that was the plan from the
other day. I didn't know I would be
taking in Dallas also. And believe me it
wasn't Dallas' plan to go either. But
she got hurt. And it was partially my
fault. I feel so bad about it.
It was yesterday morning. I was laying on the
couch. I had both cats laying on top of me. I
wanted to get up. They didn't. Ususally if I
start to get up they will eventually move. Dallas
didn't. She ended up falling onto the floor.
I knew right away she was hurt but thought
maybe she was just stunned. Wrong. She
had trouble walking and wouldn't eat, just
slept in one spot until this morning. Then she
got up to go to the litter box. She used the floor
instead. I knew I had to take her to the vet.
Sure enough Dallas was in pain because she
actually let Dr B examine her without being
sadated. Nothing is broke. But she is probably
bruised around the lower end of her spine/tail
area. He gave her a shot that should should
make her feel better. I think it might be
With the holidays in full swing please remember:
Monday, December 13, 2004
Pictures of Sadie
I am trying something new here. What do you think of
this background? It's my baby Sadie. I have some
pictures to share and thought about making one of
them into a background.
Here is Sadie wearing her very first sweater:The sweater is a little small but
it lets me know that she is ok with
wearing clothes.
I have another hooded sweater that
she is ok wearing. Can't wait to get
a picture of that for you guys.
Here is the picture of Sadie that
I turned into the background.
She looks sad but she is really
just falling a sleep in front of
my computer.
This is a not so great picture of
Sadie in a Santa's cap. It is
too big for her but she didn't
want to co-operate either.
This one ----------->
is a bit better. I really need to find a smaller cap.
Well that is all I have for now. Hope the layout of the
pictures with the text looks as good after I hit save
as they do now. I would love to have a "preview" of my
entries before the final save.
Sunday, December 12, 2004
Hello again everyone. Can't decide if I
like this background or if it is a tad
I did take my cat Dallas to the vet.
Well all love that. LOL The only way
to examine her is to sedate her first.
So he drew blood took a urine sample
felt for lumps, and even cleaned her
teeth while she was out. The only thing He could find
wrong was some blood in her urine. So we are doing a
round of antibiotics. And let me tell you that Dallas
just loves taking her meds twice a day. NOT My dad
has to come over to help get it in her.
Sadie has been back to the
vet also. Same old stuff with
her. She is doing ok. She is
such a sweetie.
I bought her another little
sweater that has a little
hood and guess what! She
will wear it. Even with the
hood up! Gotta get some
pictures for you guys.
My aunt is doing ok.
She seems happy where
she is. Sometimes you
can go visit and she seems like her old self.
Then other times she
seems like she doesn't
know much of anything.
We have started
going through her house
and taking out what theives might would want. And now
starting to just box up things. Guess we will rent a
small storage place for some of the things until we
make final decisions on it.
Friday, December 10, 2004
Christmas is coming too soon.
Christmas is coming. And there is nothing I can
do to slow it down any. Wish I could though.
For several reasons. The main reason is my pastor.
What does he have to do with anything?
My church has been having some problems. I
have prayed so hard that they work themselves out somehow without anyone leaving the church. Guess that for whatever reason God decided to let things get shook up.
I don't know the whole problem but the little I do know is just plain old stubburnest on some men's side. You would think that in a church people could work things out. But I guess the human part of man just won't let him sometimes.
Some people have left the church and now my pastor thinks it is best if he leaves. And by doing so the church can heal and get back to doing/being what it should be doing/being.
I am deeply hurt over losing my pastor. He has meant a lot to me. He has been a great teacher, has been there to let me cry on his shoulder, has been there no matter what evenif all you wanted was someone to pray with.
Oh, I know he isn't the only preacher out there. And hopefully whatever is going on in the church will heal and be able to find another great pastor. I just don't want another pastor.
But I had prayed long and hard so I guess this is the answer God has decided is best. Now I have to decide to come around and agree with Him.
What has all this got to do with Christmas coming so soon? My pastor's last day is December 26th. I am going to so hate to say goodbye to him and his great family. Love them all dearly.
Monday, December 6, 2004
Re-Gifting and my day
I so need to get back to my "series" on a
inexpensive Christmas. But I have been so
very distracted. I hope you will forgive me.
I will touch on something for you to keep in
mind for next Christmas. There have been
debates about it but personally I see nothing
wrong with it. What? Re-gifting. I don't
see what the big deal is. What is the difference
between that and returning something?
If you don't know what it is or how to do it
"properly" here you go. Someone gives you a
gift. For whatever reason you just don't want/
need it. Don't return the item (most times you
probably can't anyway), instead -- and this
is the most IMPORTANT part -- write down
who gave you the gift and tape it to the gift.
Put the gift up. (I have a box that I put
re-giftable items in as well as other "generic"
presents I buy throughout the year.) Now
the next time you need a gift go to where
you have your "present stash". Do you have
anything there that you can give? BE SURE
GIFT. You DON'T want to give it back to
the person that GAVE it to you. That is what
you would call BAD re-gifting.
On to other news here at the Strange One's
Had to take my car in to get worked on. I
was pretty sure it was a belt. Sure enough,
but get this. The last "person" to put a
belt on my car was the Ford place. They
put the WRONG size belt on! So I end up
paying $90ish to get it fixed today.
Took Sadie to the vet today to get a steriod
shot. She has to get them every so often.
While there I talked to Dr B about Dallas.
I think she might have had several "mini"
sezeiers (ok I can't spell). So now she will
have to make a trip in to see Dr B later this
week. He will have to sedate her to examine
her so we both aren't looking forward to it.
Friday, December 3, 2004
Used the last of my FTP space. Darn.
Things went ok with the lawyer. He thinks we might
be able to keep Aunt E's house. This is good news.
I have been going to my aunt's house trying to
clean and see just what to do with her stuff. It
feel really weird. And now my dad is afraid to
get rid of any of her stuff because he says "what
if she does get better and can come home?" The
answer to that is no. She will never be able to
live by herself again. But I can understand his
thinking. The fact is we have time to just do
nothing with her stuff. Reality is that her house
needs a lot of cleaning and could use a coat of
paint. I don't see a problem with cleaning and
packing up most (if not all) of her stuff. Sooner
or later she will give us a clearer sign that she
is bad enough and not getting any better. Right
now she has some good times and bad times.
When you get there and she is lucid you have to
wonder if you are doing the right thing. Then
you go and she doesn't know what year it is.......
Saw my shrink yesterday. Told him that my
sugar levels have been up. Come to find out
one of the meds he has me on can cause that!
Why did he never tell me that? So I tell him
I'm coming off of it. He's like slow down a
minute. We will taper you off. Says now is
not the time for me to have a major set back.
Well you can say that again. I am expecting a
minor set back though. I already feel more
like crying and I have only missed one pill.
Good news? Got a perm today. Nothing like
having something done to your hair to make
you feel better. And there is always craziness
going on in "beauty palors". Some lady told
another to be nice because it's Christmas.
Someone else yelled so why do you have to
be nice at Christmas? Like is it a rule or
something? Another lady was telling someone
that the devil was going to get her, someone
else chimes in with "yeah, he has already gotten
Cheryl". What crazy people.
Hope all is well with you guys. For some of you
I know it isn't and I am keeping you in my
Wednesday, December 1, 2004
Graphics up for grab
If you like this graphic and would like more like it then click on it and go grab some more. Please save to your hard drive.
dollar store challenge
I don't believe this. I get email from this magazine. Today it has a "dollar store challenge" for scrapbookers. What a great idea. If you are into scrapbooks, or any crafts check it out there are some cool ideas:
Simple Scrapbooks November/December 2004 - Capture Holiday Traditions - Easy Homemade Accents
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Christmas Journal
Thanks to dear Miss Vivian I have found another
journaler that is doing the "secret santa" game
along with other Christmas feastives. So please
go to Holiday Happenings in J-land and find out
what is going on and sign up to be a virtual secret
santa -- and that means you too Albert!Christmas is going to be here before you know
it. Can hardly wait. Did that sound more like a
"ba hum bug"? That's because it was. I am so
trying not to be that way this year but with all
that is going on....... Found out today that there is a problem with the
power of attorney that I have. Great. Good thing
I am going to see a lawyer tomorrow. To try to cheer me up dad took me today to pick
out my Christmas present. Gotta love him for
trying. I helped to pick out that digital camera
that I have been wanting. Got a kodak one that
comes with its own little dock and printer. I could
have it now or wait till Christmas. It's hard but
I told him to keep it until Christmas. I was planning on taking what I had won from the
radio to buy a cheap digital camera and now I am
getting a $400 one for Christmas! And no, my
parents don't usually spend that kind of money
on me. I think dad is feeling bad about all I
am having to do with/about my aunt. I told him
not to, but I think he is. Wasn't sure when to break out the Christmas
graphics but I guess today is as good as any
time. Don't forget to go to Holiday Happenings in J-land
to see what is up and how to participate. This is
gonna be fun. Can't wait.
Sunday, November 28, 2004
Another type of update
Before everything with my aunt started happening I was updating and moving some of my other places. I wanted them totally finished before I "rolled" them out but since it is going to take a little longer I am just going ahead and put them out there.
Both were easy designer pages but was taking too much time and effort to keep them up that way. So they are now in journal form. If you see something that needs to be added or changed PLEASE LET ME KNOW. If you run across a link that isn't working right let me know.
Editor's Archives (some of the older links may not work because a journal shut down or went private.)
Where to find help (this one is almost done. I have most of the "old" site on here and am trying to add more help.)
The "old" places are still up. I will take them down and re-direct you to the new places once I have them all copied.
These journals are for everyone so let me know what needs to be added or updated somehow.
Update and Christmas
I'm back! Updates:
My aunt is never going to be the way she was. She didn't reconize mom (her sister) when she was in the hospital and still doesn't. My parents went to visit today and Aunt E was just as confused, if not more so, as when she was in the hospital. It is sad. But oddly enough my aunt seems ok with the way things are. At least in front of us. The nurses must have had a time with her because they had her tied into a wheelchair. My aunt even said "I must be giving them a hard time because I'm tied in."
I do know that they won't let her stay in bed and I am guessing that she won't stay in the wheelchair as she probably can walk some but could fall. I like the fact that they make her get out of her room. They have several "living rooms" with those big screen tvs.
I went by Aunt E's house again today. So much to do there. It is clear that she will never be going back there so what to do with a house full of stuff? And it is rather sad. It (when I am at her house) almost feels like she has died and I am getting rid of her life. I haven't actually gotten rid of anything yet. I am still cleaning and looking for papers (can't find where she had home owners insurance, surely she has it. Even though the house is paid for.)
On to other things........
Christmas is coming up. So hard to believe that the year is almost over.
What I had wanted to do with all my e-friends and what will come to pass is 2 totally different things.
I have been (and continue) to be distracted so I can't do my part in what I wanted. My idea was to find a couple on-line catalogs and we all go virtual shopping. Yep. I wanted to see what we would get each other. How well we know each other. And the "kicker" was you had to come up with 2 presents per person. One "regular priced" and one from some really high end catalog.
I just don't have the time to find just the right catalogs or to match people up (kind of like a secret santa). So if any of you have the time and want to run with my idea (or even re-work it somehow) that is fine with me. Just let me know ok?