Saturday, November 15, 2003

rainy day blues

It wasn't supposed to rain today.  But it has.  Off and on all day long.  Generally I like rain.  I love the way it sounds, and the way it feels (in the summertime), but today was one of those dreary grey skies day.  I got out of the house -- thought that would cheer me up.  I didn't realize that one of the universities here was having a football game.  Traffic!! 

It got me to thinking about the schools here in town.  we have 4 big universities here in town, and then there is the local community college, a Bible school (several of those).  I had never really thought of it before.  When you read about or see "college towns" on the screen they all seem so small and quaint.  My city is not like that.  Maybe it depends on how close you are to the campus'. 

You could study here anything from acting, singing, dancing, teaching, to getting your MBA, and you can study law, and even become a doctor.  Wow!  Maybe I need to go back to school. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate rain -- especially when it is cold rain like it has been raining up here. I am from Maine and when it rains in November it is like taking an ICE COLD shower.