Ok I have a few links for you to try. The first is this that I stole from another journal. Don't remember whose journal or I would give them the credit:
You Are Creepy |
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Ok I have a few links for you to try. The first is this that I stole from another journal. Don't remember whose journal or I would give them the credit:
You Are Creepy |
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My mom. Bless her heart. Some of the things that come out of her mouth these days.......
Dad tells mom about analog tv going away, make room for digital tv....
Mom is all: It's Communism I tell ya! Communism!
Ok, where the heck does she get Communism? When was the last time you even heard that word used?
Is mom's aging mind going looped-de-loop? She has come up with the wierdest stuff lately but doing away with analog tv is Communism? LOL
I love my mom dearly. But I told her that was crazy, I don't think the Russians have anything to do with our tv sets.
So what do you think? Is my mom right? And exactly when am I going to have to spend $$$$ on a new tv? (secretly......I am looking for a great excuse to buy a flat screen.......)
While watching the Food Network the other day I saw a food that I just I would have to try. Ok, I haven't gotten around to trying it yet but I will. It was on the show "Diners, Drive ins and Dives. A place here in NC has this. I LOVE dill pickles, so when I saw this my mouth started to water! What the heck am I talking about? Get ready: Fried Pickles!! Yup, fried pickles.
I found a few recipes on the net but this one sounds the most like what I saw on the TV:
3 1/2 c. all-purpose flour
3/4 tsp. salt 3/4 tsp. pepper 1 c. buttermilk 1 qt. hamburger dill chips Vegetable oil
Combine flour, salt, and pepper, mixing well. Dip pickles into buttermilk and dredge in flour mixture. Deep fry coated pickles in hot oil (350 degrees) until they float to surface and are golden brown. Drain on paper towels or brown paper bags and serve immediately. Makes 8 dozen. |
Another one that sounded ok was here: Deep Fried Pickles Recipe: Recipes: Food Network
Have any of you had a fried pickle before? If you try to make them let me know how it goes.
I also saw on the Style network how to make fried cheese. Here is the recipe for it: Crispy Mozzarella Sticks - mystyle.com Gonna have to try that one too.
I love cheese and pickles! I think you could/should have them with almost every meal you eat! Really! I think I got my love for cheese from my granny -- she ate a little cheese with every meal.
Nothing going on around here. I did go to Subway and pick up a turkey/ham sub for lunch. Yum, I love Subway.
Tags: fried pickles, fried cheese
I love animals, and I just adore bunnies so when I saw the above I had to post it here. And speaking of dust bunnies......I finally broke down and took a dust mop under my couch. Found lots of cat toys that I thought were gone, and quite a few dust bunnies.
Speaking of cat toys (and I was.....sort of) I have been finding toys that I haven't seen in years popping up! Really. I hadn't seen some since my sweet Ashley was alive. And one that recently popped up about gave me a heart attack. I was walking to the bathroom in the middle of the night and saw what appeared to be a real live dead mouse! (yeah, a real live dead mouse! LOL kind of like killing a person dead.) I turned the light on to find a very realistic cat toy! Whew......
I'm starting to get a little (very little) caught up on my journal reading. Just saw that are beloved Joe was laid off. Has AOL lost their minds? Hopefully we can keep up with him at his other blog.
I am forever buying books. I haven't done much reading this year but I still buy books. I may never get them all read but they will be here when I get ready. I read a book a few years ago called "The Lovely Bones" which was a FANTASTIC book! That lady can really write. Anyways she has a new book out called "The Almost Moon" which I just ordered. The author is Alice Sebold. Can't wait to read it. If you haven't read "The Lovely Bones" you should.
I just typed a long entry, hit save, and got some error message! The entry is gone! Gone!!!! It has been a long time since I have lost an entry that way (ok, I have lost a few by not hitting save and hitting that little red X instead -- such a stupid mistake, and I hope I am not the only one that has done that :) ). I'm mad.
I'll try to retype the entry later (if I can remember all of it).
Anyway here's an entry to let you know I'm still alive and making a few rounds in J-land!
I wanted to hurry and say hi before I leave for the doctor. BUT can't say as much. Sophie -- my cat -- is laying across my right hand/mouse. Typing only left handed is hard. I'm not a lefty and the old "hunt and peck" method of typing isn't easy. Maybe a better entry later, with Sophie helping me!
I still can't believe how little time I have been spending on the old computer here. I don't know what happened that caused my desire to be socialable here seem to leave me. I hope it will eventually come back to me.
Didn't know what to do an entry on so I decided to just a list of some sort. What kind of list I pondered.......stuff I hate seems good........
1 Politicians -- they all lie. not a single one can really make a difference in my little world.
2 Dead animals on the side of the road (or even in the middle of the road). My heart goes out to them. Did they suffer? Is their little animal family worrying because they didn't come back to the nest? (I'm weird I know it, you don't have to tell me)
3 Cat litter box. Do I need to make any remarks? It kind of stands on its own doesn't it?
4 Men who hit women. My niece finally left her abusive boyfriend. But I worry that she seems to be drawn to men that hit.
5 My parents getting old. Well I don't hate their getting old so much as I hate all the physcial problems that are coming with their aging. It doesn't seem fair. What's the saying? Youth is wasted on the young.
6 My telephone company. They won't leave me alone! They want to be my internet provider. ::shaking head:: My internet is cheaper where I have it but for some reason they don't believe me. They offer money or free months and I still say no. Well they ever get the message?
7 Housework. Once upon a time I was really great at keeping a clean house. But then my depression came at me full force and I mostly could care less about how clean anything is anymore.
8 The marjority of stuff on tv. I guess I am not the targeted age group or something but nothing much seems worth watching. Even the news (which I have avoided like crazy since 9-11) seems suspect. Are any of them really telling us the truth about anything? I doubt it.
9 People who can NEVER ignore that call waiting beep.
10 Spending big $$$ buying groceries only to find you have nothing to eat when you get home. What the heck costs so much?
Here's something for you to try:
Here are a few links for you. I think you will find the last 2 pretty interesting. So be sure to check them out.
Penny -- a fellow J-lander -- died earlier this week. Her journal is here: Penny`s Pieces of Ohio and here is the entry Roxy did about Penny: RIP ~**Penny**~ We Love You
I had only just started reading Penny's journal. I am sending up prayers for her family.
I took my mom's cat to the vet last week and I was telling Dr M about my cats and the mice. I was totally shocked at what she said. Are ya ready? She says "I use humane traps and then take the mice to someone else's property and let them loose. Then it's their problem."
Has she lost her freaking mind? Ok I don't use mouse traps or poison because it just seems like such a horrible way to kill something (yeah, like being "played with" by my cats isn't horrible), but to catch a mouse and then unleashes it on some unknowing person?
What is the point in using a "humane trap" if you are just moving the mouse so someone else can kill it? Is it me or is Dr M crazy?
I have a creek behind my house and a small wooded place so I think that is were the mice came from. I don't know how the heck they are getting in the house. My other cats never hunted for mice so either I didn't have them before or I just have better mousers now.
Spike TV has a great new show. However it is hard to catch! It seems to never be on but somehow I catch it once in a while. It's called Murder. It is sort of a reality type show. They take regular people and see if they can solve a real murder. Some of the episodes I managed to solve before they told who/what/how. The site has full length episodes (I just found out) that you can watch: Murder - SPIKE Powered By IFILM. If you like shows like CSI you will love this.
I also just discovered that A&E's site has some great games: A&E Television - Games. If you are into the CSI type stuff you will love the Crack The Case game! And for some laughs (and work out that eye hand coordination stuff) try the Tag The Toes game!