Friday, June 30, 2006
17 words that NEVER FAIL you
What is it? Who planted it? How do I get a poll?
What kind of critters are these?:
They are both adorable to me. To find out what they are and where they are ----> click here
Here's a bit of news I bet you haven't heard about. There is an elm tree on the back of the $20 bill. That is (well was) a real tree at the white house! I never knew that -- of course I never really thought about it. Well the tree recently came down in a storm (oh, quick which President planted the tree? hurry....). To read about it (and just to learn a little something maybe) click here.
And last, but surely not least, Joe tells us how to get an embedded poll into our journals. Yep, click here to go there. And he has a poll up for who has the best donuts. Silly. Everyone knows it is Krispy Kreme donuts!
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Finally! Is AOL going to let me make an entry?
It won't let me save. My entire entry is gone. Grrrr
Ok, trying this again.
First I couldn't get my journal to come up.
Then it wouldn't let me add an entry.
Then (after hitting refresh) it comes up and shows the latest entry being one from May 23 2006!!!
Finally, I am able to make an entry. But it wouldn't save. Gonna try again.
Oh, I copied the following from Stuart's journal. Check it out. You'll laugh until you pee in your pants!
Take a look before it goes. Watch the 30 sec ad and then you will get to the bit itself!
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Make out a will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello everyone. I really don't have a lot to talk about.
I did find out that my cousin G did leave a note behind. He
was starting to have health problems it seems. He had had
a very light stroke, needed surgery on his heart (bypasses)
and surgery on his carotid artery. G was worried that
something could happen to him and that he would have to
depend on family members to take care of him. G didn't
want to be burden on anyone.
Can you believe that? He has (had) 7 brothers and sisters
and he was afraid he would end up being a burden on them.
He did leave behind a huge burden though. They can't find
a will nowhere. He owned businesses, land -- even land in
another country, but had no will. This is going to cause huge
problems. He had told people that if anything was to happen
to him that he wanted this one nephew to take over the
business. But it isn't written down anywhere.
Guess that is a lesson for all of us. MAKE OUT A WILL.
I made one when I bought my house. Oh my house isn't
worth lots of money, nothing I own is worth all that much.
But I didn't want the government to decide who got what.
I also made a Living Will out at the same time. I urge
everyone to do that also. You never know.
Is that enought gloom and doom for one entry? I think so.
Hopefully I will have something more cheerful to write
about next time.
Monday, June 26, 2006
Friday, June 23, 2006
This is so cool!
Saw this at the National Geographic site and had to share. Click on the picture to go to the site if you want to read the "scientific" explantion for the picture (which takes all the fun out of really cool stuff). Or just stay here and enjoy it!
"Rare Rainbow over Idaho"
While we are on the subject of National Geographic click here to see a great picture of a really sexy mermaid!! ----> Mermaid They really do exsist! No joke. Check it out.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Ok Russ I will see that tag!
Russ was the first to do this tag. So I guess it is my turn now, huh Russ?
2-How long does it take you to get ready to go out?: 30 min?
3-If you were an animal what would you be?: cat if you have to ask you wouldn't understand
4-What's your biggest fear?: growing old and dying alone
5-What’s your most prized possesion?: my scrapbooks, my grandmother's wedding band, my cats
6-What’s the funniest word you can think of:? thunk
9-What was the most difficult thing you had to do?: put my cat Sadie to sleep
10-If you were given one day to live what would you do?: spend it with my family
11-If you could relive any day of your life either for good or to change it what would it be?: I would have picked up that stray cat.
12-What's the worst feeling in the world?: finding out your friend isn't really your friend
The best?: feeling loved
13-If you could meet anyone who ever existed who would it be? why?: don't know, maybe George Washington and ask how different the USA is from what he and the other forefathers thought it would be
15-What have you learned about love?: it hurts
16-How have you changed in the past year?: don't think i have much.
You guys remembered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for all the comments, emails, and e-cards! You guys are the BEST!!!!
Here I'll share with you:
And yes I am:
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
It's that time again!!!
Summer is FINALLY here! Today is also the longest day of the year. Course you already knew that!
And because you do have a brain here are some things to keep that brain busy.
Oh yeah, it's that time again:
From the Heart PostCards Home Page -- free e-postcards
Click here: komo Video Player a "new" type of breast cancer (serious stuff girls) game. will drive you crazy another parking game!!!! you will become addicted. Angela be sure to give it a try! |
yep, it's a cat. looks like a horror movie rat, but it's a cat
G rest in peace
Got news today that the family reunion (was to be this
Saturday) had been called off. Or at the very least
postphoned until probably fall of the year.
My cousin G died sometime yesterday. Eventally he
shot himself in the head. I am not sure how old he was.
I do know he was a very troubled soul. I didn't know
him all that well - when I was little I thought he was
the best looking man I had ever seen -- but I still
can't believe he had done this. His mom - my aunt M -
must be beside herself.
Not sure when the funeral will be. "They" won't release
his body to the family for another day or so. I am
guessing because of the way he died the police want
to investigate. I'm just guessing at this.
He lived in another town from me, probably 2 or 3 hours
away. He is my second cousin to commit sucide. The
other was W - aunt V's daughter.
Please pray for G's family. I know at present he wasn't
married (though he had been several times) but I know
he had kids and probably grandkids. As for family he
has/had 4 sisters, 3 brothers and his mom is still alive.
Yeah, I'm sad too. Like I said I didn't really know him
all that well but to know he died the way he did is
just so sad to me right now.
G -- rest in peace.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Love/Hate stuff
I'm ok. Really. Just need to......
Just had to get that off my chest. I feel so much better now. Will be back with an entry soon.
Monday, June 19, 2006
It's the Monday before summer starts!
Not so sure how this background is going to do. Hope you
don't have too much trouble reading this entry.
Summer doesn't offically start until Wednesday the 21st.
But it seems to have already gotten here. Whew, it's been
warm lately!
Don't have much to say. I thought I did but whatever it
was won't come to mind right now.
Oh, I'm reading this Stephen King book "Song of Susannah"
Now, I love Stephen King, but this book is even weird for
him! The characters in the book go looking for Mr Stephen
King himself. Yep, they show up on his doorstep and he has
a conversation with the characters he has created for the
book. Only he didn't write all of them or some of their
adventures. Confused? Me too. I think the man may have
finally lost it! I have never read a book that an author
writes himself into. Just down right weird. Wonder how
it is going to end? LOL
Take care. Hope the background isn't too distracting.
no, i don't surf. can't even swim.
Friday, June 16, 2006
Friday before Father's Day 2006
Howdy-do! How are ya'll doing? Can you hear my southern accent? LOL
Any of you remember (before people left J-land) Shelli P? She was dazeychic? She is blogging somewhere else now, anyways.......She is pregnant with her first baby. Yeah! But in her last entry she was on a week of bed rest because of bleeding. So go and let her know you are thinking about her: Belli Boo
We all hate telemarketers right? I remember when I still lived in an apartment I got a call from someone that wanted to sell me siding for my house. As soon as I said I live in an apt he hung up! So I have used that line once or twice after buying my house!
(this is so my mom's cat at the vet!!!!!!!!!)
Another thing I do. LOL If someone calls and asks for Mrs (my last name her) I say that she isn't her. LOL Well she ain't! I'm not a Mrs!!! Or if they call and ask for me by name and can't pronounce my last name (and most can't) I know it isn't someone I know so I say that "she" isn't home and can I take a message!!!!! LOL If they want the "lady of the house" sometimes I am here and sometimes I'm not. They don't know who they are talking to!!!!!! Aren't I nice?
I try not to just hang up on people. But if I say I thanks for calling but I am just not interested if they keep talking I just hang up. Sorry. But I said thanks for calling.
So if you call and you can't pronounce my name or know if I am married or not this is for you: (LOL)
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Hey, it's Thursday! Woo Hoo
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
new background
Monday, June 12, 2006
Hey you know what next week is!
I so wish I was somewhere like the graphic above!! But no I am stuck here with rain/thunder storms keep passing through.
Everytime I tried to get on the computer it would start thundering really bad so I would log off shut down. Then the sun would come out and I would log back on. Only to start hearing more thunder. So I shut back down again. I have done this I don't know how many times the past few days. I am sick of it!
Now I have Sophie trying to lay all over me and my mouse. Bless her heart. I love her but the only time she tries to love on me is when I want to make an entry. LOL
I have been thinking about the "anniversaries" that this month has. Last June I had to put my beloved cat Dallas to sleep. She was the first pet I got when I moved out from home. Last June 15th is when my aunt died. It still doesn't feel real somehow. And last June was when Pamela (his1desire) found out she had lung cancer. She didn't even live a year after that.
Sorry to be so down. I think all this rain is getting to me.
I really don't have anything to say. Just wanted to say hello. I am still stuck on that stupid parking game! I get so mad at it that I want to throw something at my computer! LOL
Take care. Stay out of the rain. Tell someone you love them, yeah I know they know it but it's nice to hear it. And if something was to happen and you not see the other person again you would kick yourself for not saying it.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Pamela's (his1desire) Daughter
Pamela's daughter has made a post over at Pamela's old journal. Thought you guys might want to see it. Thanks to John aka DYMPHNA103 for the info.

Yes, honestly it's true.
She pressed 'control' and 'enter'
And disappeared from view.
It devoured her completely,

The thought just makes me squirm.
She must have caught a virus
Or been eaten by a worm.
I've searched through the recycle bin
And files of every kind;
I've even used the Internet,
But nothing did I find.

In desperation, I asked Jeeves
My searches to refine.
The reply from him was negative,
Not a thing was found 'online'
So, if inside your 'Inbox,'
My Grandma you should see,
Please 'Copy,' 'Scan' and 'Paste' her
And send her back to me!

(Author Unknown)
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Just a lazy Saturday in June
Howdy! I watched this really strange show on Bravo the other night. Some semi-famous people were sitting around a table and had to pick who they would rather be stranded on a desert island with. Ok, you can see where I am going with this. I can't remember all their parings so I will come up with a few of my own:
Marilyn Manson or Tom Crusie
Pamela Anderson or Carmen Electra
Brad Pitt or Jim Carey
Jennifer Aniston or Katie Curic
Superman or the Hulk
toonguy kc or artloner (russ or andi from j-land LOL)
Britney Spears or Jessica Simpson
K-fed (Britney Spears husband) or Nick Lachey (Simpson's ex husban)
K-fed or Marilyn Manson
While you are thinking about it turn on AOL radio. They have this really groovy (yeah right) channel that plays the theme music to video games! Look under soundtracks and you will see video game scores. I kid you not!!!!!!!!!!!
And now for a small piece of sanity on this great wonderful Saturday. (sounds like i am medicated doesn't it?)
Found some great "viral" videos for you to watch. They have sound so turn your sound up and have some great fun (all are videos of animals really funny stuff here folks):
Friday, June 9, 2006
Thursday, June 8, 2006
Just listening to the song "Rico Suave" LOL really BAD song!!!!!!!!
Hello everyone.
What do you think of this font? You can find it in your email listed as "Rage Italic Let" I kind of like it but an not sure how hard it will be to read.
I love these little bobble guys! He looks so very happy. Almost too happy. Like they know something I don't. LOL
Had a dentist appointment today. Just for a cleaning but I really just didn't want to go. But I did. I love my dentist but he can't seem to keep hygenist. Seems like it is someone different every time. This one wanted to keep gouging at my gums until they bled.
Dr P was in a really good mood. The first thing (after asking me how I was doing) was to tell me he was getting married again this Sept. to another dentist! He really seemed relaxed and happy.
He was so happy that instead of the normal $95 for cleaning he waved part of the fee and only charged me $65. Whoa! Then he gave me a hug and told the hygenist it was the least he could do since I had been coming to him for something like 15 years or so.
Right as I walked his door it started raining. By the time I got home it was really dark, pouring rain, and some really loud thunder was going on. But it passed in almost no time (about 30 minutes)
Well, I really don't have anything to say so I'll shut up. Oh I have updated my "something to smile about" journal (link to your left) so check it out.
Wednesday, June 7, 2006
Get something for nothing and help raise money for Cancer
When I read about this (and ordered one for myself) I thought it was a good cause to share. If you "order" the free bracelet making kit the people at Merk will donate money to the Cancer research and Prevention Foundation.
You get something free and Cancer research gets money. How cool is that?
Go to this link and order your free bracelet it costs you nothing,
but for every one that is ordered, Merck Pharmaceuticals donates $1 for
cervical cancer research. It only takes a minute and is legit; the link
sends you right to the Merck website.
Kits can also be ordered over the phone 1-888-4-HPV-CONNECT.
Link is on the left and reads "Order your free braclet kit now"
Each kit contains materials for 2 braclets and is totally free.
Tuesday, June 6, 2006
It's that time again.
Back by popular demand! Who am I kidding, no one has been demanding this. But I think you like it. As always these will eventually find their way over to my What To Do Online journal.
But for now, get that bag of chips, that tall glass of iced tea , sit back and enjoy:
Poke The Penguin - Lycos Games - Free Games Online
Kate Nowak| Live More Abundantly; - "May You Be Blessed " Movie

Monday, June 5, 2006
Got this in the mail also.
If you scare easily, if you have a weak heart, are prone to nightmares DO NOT look at this!!!!
Time to turn back now if you don't think you are strong enough.
Your last warning!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey, I gave you fair warning!!!!!!!!!! LOL
Got this in today's email.
Helen Steiner Rice's 10 Commandments
1. Thou shalt be happy.
2. Thou shalt use thy talents to make others glad.
3. Thou shalt rise above defeat and trouble.
4. Thou shalt look upon each day as a new challenge.
5. Thou shalt always do thy best and leave the rest
to God.
6. Thou shalt not waste thy time and energy in
useless worry.
7. Thou shalt look only on the bright side of life.
8. Thou shalt not be afraid of tomorrow.
9. Thou shalt have a kind word and a kind deed for
10. Thou shalt say each morning - I am a child of God
and nothing can hurt me.
©Helen Steiner Rice
Sunday, June 4, 2006
Gonna have a HUGE glass of ICED tea today Stuart
I haven't been outside yet this morning but it looks like is a beautiful day out there.
My cats are really enjoying the sunbeams this morning. Well that was before one of them decided it was time for a wrestling match. With both cats being black (one long hair and one short hair) it is hard to tell who's winning in these matches as I only see a ball of black fur rolling around in the floor.
Yesterday I wasted mucho time on that stupid Parking game. My wrist started hurting (from using the mouse so much I guess) and I couldn't get past level 55. Grrrrrrrr I need to just give up and realize I CAN'T DO IT. But I don't realize that yet. LOL
I have been a really lousy friend to someone here in J-land (you know who you are) and I am sooo sorry. I could come up with all kinds of excuses but truth is I haven't been there for you and I am soooo sorry. Please forgive me.
Been chatting some with Stuart. I know that he is not a southerner, heck he isn't even American, but I had no idea that he was just un-civilized! LOL He doesn't drink ICED tea. Claims even the smell of it makes him sick. If anyone has some great graphics of iced tea send them to me. I am going to mass mail them to him. LOL
And Stuart this is me having some good southern, sweet, iced tea with a lemon slice in it:
ps -- Stuart you know I am just kidding, right?