Wednesday, November 30, 2005


       I see that AOL has put a disclaimer under the banner ads now.  
       Too bad that we can't pick a certain type of ad for them to run
       in our journals.  Say, I love cats so they could run ads having
       to do with the kitties on my journal.  I know, not gonna happen.

      Have you ever did something trying to please one person and
      ended up making someone else mad?  There is still some furniture
      in my Aunt E's house.  My dad made a remark about it, so I said
      I thought his friend John wanted it.  No, not John but someone in
      his wife's family (so I was informed).   But dad had just talked
      to John last night and he said that if we could get rid of the stuff
      go ahead because it could be a while before he finds out for sure
      if whoever might want it will actually want it.  Are you following
      all this?  LOL  So I decided to just take matters in my own hands
      and I called the local Rescue Mission and made an appointment
      for them to come out this coming Monday and pick the stuff up.

      Dad called to tell his friend that the furniture was gone.  John
      said fine, but his wife!  Oh she had a hissy fit.  Her family was
      going to come in a week or so to look at it to see if they wanted
      it!  IF THEY WANTED IT.  Maybe they wouldn't want it.
      Gesh.  You try to GIVE someone a room full of furniture and they
      act like you should give them all the time in the world to make
     up their minds.  They have known for about a month that I needed
      to get the stuff out of the house!  Oh well, too late.  The Rescue
      Mission will get it now.

       Oh, and there is a piece that I want, it was her dresser.  I want
       to take the mirror off it and use it as a desk.  Everyone agrees
       that it will make a nice desk.  Dad calls me today to ask if I was
       sure I wanted it, because he thinks maybe I won't.  I tell him
       yes I still want it.  Well it is real heavy and he would hurt his
       back if he moved it today.  So I tell him not to move it yet.  I
       bet he tried to pick it up with the drawers still in it.

       Whenever I have to deal with my aunt's house I get in a really
       crappy mood.  I guess because I am trying to please so many
       people at once.

       And how was your day?  LOL


Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Christmas memories

          I still can't believe it is almost Christmas.  I have been looking 
       looking back over past entries of mine and have come up with a
       few links to send you back to.  These are in no real order, and I 
       just know there are a few that I still can't find, but here goes:
       Oh, right click on the links so you won't have to hunt to go back
       and forth.
Christmas reading

                                My favorite Christmas songs, Part 1

                                Re-Gifting and my day

                               Christmas Shopping part 2

                               Dollar Store Christmas

                              Extra Cash for Christmas?

my favorite christmas song

                              I wonder sometimes........




It's Tuesday the 29th

Hello everyone.  I was going to use 
a Christmas background.  But I 
love this one! 
These background's aren't made 
for journals.  They are for 
something called "incredimail".

It is pouring down rain.  Has 
been off and on all day.  We 
may need the rain but I am 
about to get sick of it. 

I'm sitting here trying to make 
a journal entry and snack on this 
small container of Cheese Nips. 
Well, guess who wants to try 
them?  Sophie.  I hate to not 
give her any but I don't want 
her eatting people food.  Bad 
enough that she wants to drink 
my milk when I have a glass 
sitting out. 

Christmas shopping for my dad 
is really hard this year.  I 
did order him something but 
it isn't what I thought it
was.  But shopping is going 
to be a headache for 2 reasons. 
One is I have no idea what to 
get the man, and 2ndly lately 
I can't seem to go any place 
alone.  My anexity kicks in 
and I start feeling sick 
and I just can't do it. 
I was hoping that my now 
some of the anexity would 
be gone but it doesn't seem 
to want to go anywhere. 

Guess that's it.  I really have 
nothing to say. 



Monday, November 28, 2005

My babies together!

There are a couple of "non mom" ways of telling them apart.  Sadie is the skinny one, and Sophie's fur is the softest I have ever felt.

They are amazing. 



Sunday, November 27, 2005

I completely forgot.......

I wanted to pimp some journal entries and stuff.

Check out these entries:

Gifts that don't cost a cent.  
Lori talks about Haukkah here:  Ahhhhhh Now that the food fest is over with.......  
It was Connie's anniversary yesterday, go share the love here:  #226 Stinky No More!  
And just for the heck of it, this guy renamed his journal.  Probably the longest journal title out there, go see:  StupidSheetGuy

And go check out this journal:  As I Am

Hee Hee


First, is it too early to start using Christmas graphics?  I hope not.  You can tell this cat (above blinkie) doesn't like Christmas.  Look at those eyes!  Kinda makes you think of Stephen King.  LOL

I wasn't going to post anything today but while sitting here answering emails something funny happened.  Well at least I thought it was funny.  More cute than funny really.  My darling little Sophie (the one on the right in the last entry) has so much energy that I can't keep up with her.   She has 2 cat trees but they are in another room from where I am sitting.  Anyway, I hear this strange little noise and she is dragging one of her toys into the room (it's a wand like thing that has something tied to the end).  Then she lays at my feet and starts chewing on it.

It's funny both cats want to be in the same room with me.   I go into the kitchen and I have 2 little shadows, bathroom same thing.  When I am on the computer Sophie wants to lay on the desk.  Right now she is laying over the mouse.  Sometimes if my hand is on the mouse she will grab my hand and pull it to her.  Sooooooo cute.  So aggrevating sometimes!  LOL

This next graphic is here for no reason.  Saw it, giggled, and am posting it for the giggle effect.  Of course it could have a gross out effect..........



That's all for this time.





Saturday, November 26, 2005

My "twins"

I wanted everyone to see how much my babies look alike.  I took these pictures today.  The first one is Sadie and she is approx 2 years old, the other is Sophie and she is about 7 or 8 months.






I really need to get a picture of them together but this will give you some idea.  For those that don't know I picked Sadie up as a kitten on a cold January morning and I adopted Sophie from the local animal shelter.



Friday, November 25, 2005

Another day, another addiction


          I just want everyone to know, well, I'm ashamed  
        to admit it here.  But I have to get it off my       
        chest.  I am soooooooooo addicted to collecting  
        graphics that isn't even funny.

Sure, I can see you snickner, but it 
isn't funny!  I have a ton of graphics
on my hard drive.  They are for the
most part in some sort of an order,  
         But it is mostly an organized mess.  I can't use 
         half of what I have because I forget I have it,
         or I can't find it.  Then again I have stuff I  
         will probably never use.  What's a girl to do?   

        Today I got a package in the mail.  For the life 
         of me I didn't remember order-
         ing anything.  Then I open it to
         find 2 paperback books.  Then I
         smack my head like those old V-8
         commercials!  I joined a book club!  I get 2
         paperback books a month for $8.99 (that is
        including shipping) not a bad deal.  It is the   
        books that are "hard case crime".  If you are
        interested go here:   
        They have other book clubs also.  Maybe you
         will find something you like.

         Hope everyone had a safe and happy Thanks-
         If you have a graphic collection and you have
         some great way to organize it PLEASE tell me
         what it is!!!!!!!!!


                     ok, I know this tag doesn't go with this
                     background at all.  But I just got it and
                     I wanted to use it!

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Thanksgiving Day 2005



Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  I hope that everyone is having a safe and happy day.

Today I thought I should post things that I am thankful for.  In no certain order here they are.


Today I am thankful for:

A family that loves me.

My 2 cats.

A God that thinks I am a terrific human being.


Wildflowers  -- especially daisies!

That I have a roof over my head

That I have plenty to eat

That I live in the USA

That on a freezing January day 2 years ago I saw a little kitten on the side of the street.  I am thankful that with all her problems Sadie is alive and with me today.

That on the day I went to the local animal shelter to find a kitten there was one there that stole my heart.  Little miss Sophie.

AOL J-land  -- no one here has judged me, they just welcomed me with open arms. 

No matter how dirty my house, how ugly I feel that God still loves me.  And my cats do too.  Sometimes you really need to feel the love and with God and pets you do.

That I had a chance to make my Aunt E's final few months the best that I could at the time.

My Aunt Betty and Aunt M, both of whom love me more than I realize at times.  When I had my stress test they sent me flowers.

Hardwood floors!  I hate carpets, hardwood flooring is so much easier to clean (with pets!).  And when I pulled up my carpets I found some decent looking hardwood floors!

The way Sophie is ALWAYS purring.  She must be a happy cat and I would like to think I am partially responsible.

The cartoon channel.  When 9/11 happened I just couldn't handle watching all the news and stuff.  I may be a grown woman but cartoons help take my mind off things and helps releave stress.

Books.  If I couldn't get my hands on books to read I think I would curl up and die.  They are like a best friend.

My health, even if I am stuck with a mental illness and panic disorder.

That somehow I discovered graphics and graphic groups.  I am now a huge collector (can ya tell) of them.  A cheap free hobby.  Ok, so it boarders on obsession.  LOL

No matter how much I am complain at times, I do have a good life.

McDonalds, Wendys, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Pappa Johns, Krispy Kreme Donuts, ect.........

Cell phones.  I was in Walmart when hospice called me to tell me my aunt wasn't going to be with us much longer and to get there.  She died about an hour and a half later.  If not for the cell phone I wouldn't made it in time.

Cat kisses.  Ok, so they are more of a lick than a kiss.  But I love them just the same.


As for J-land, Stuart's dumb jokes,Pamela's strengh, Andrea's shoulder, Joe and John's help with technical issues, various others for giving me another way to look at things, Suzy for her prayers, and others that are just too many to list.

Cold, wet noses.  That lets me know my furbabies (or gerbies as Andi would say) are healthy.

My neigborhood.  Police are rarely called to come to the street I live on.  After living in apartments where the were almost known by name this is a great relief.

There are just too many things to list here.  I have more to be thankful for than I realize.


Wednesday, November 23, 2005

tomorrow's turkey day



I am in a fowl mood.  Started out in a really good mood today, but now.........I went to get my hair cut.  I was talking to the girl (woman) cutting my hair.  I had told her that I had met a guy a while back that has schizo-effective disorder (or is it affective?) (it is a type of schizophrenia) and I was unsure about what type of friendship to have with him.  (no lectures.  I know all about mental illnesses.  I also know that if a schizophrenic doesn't stay on their meds it can become a huge problem for those around them).  So J then says yeah, I would be afraid of anyone with that or anyone that is bipolar. 

What she doesn't know is that I am bipolar.  Her remark was like a stab in the heart.  There is a big difference between bipolar and schizo-effective disorder.  In fact I had a thearpist once tell me I shouldn't be alone with this guy I am talking about.  (Not until I had talked to his parents to see why he had be hospitalized and if he takes his meds the way he should).

So if J knew I am bipolar how would feel?  Would she think I am "crazy" and that I would/could hurt her?

I am in such a lousy, mean, hateful mood right now.


I hope that everyone has a great Thanksgiving Day tomorrow.  If you are traveling please be safe.  We want you back in J-land safely after the long holiday weekend.

Oh, I took Sophie to the vet the other day to get her nails trimmed (they grow like weeds!) and we discovered that she still has fleas.  Great.  We had treated both cats not long ago.  So I came back home, got Sadie and had her nails trimmed (while I was there already what the heck?) and had her treated for fleas too.  Cost:$42.00 total.  Cats: priceless!!!!!!!  (don't you hate those commercials?  lol)


Tuesday, November 22, 2005

In case you missed it

Joe has some breaking news.

Click here to read about it.

Links, links and more links

        I got an email today that had a TON of links in it.  I have looked  
       through and found some great links.  I haven't had a chance to
       check them all out, but I am hoping the ones listed under
       Thanksgiving are all good clean fun.  If not I am sure hope one
       of you will let me know so I can take it down.

       I am just too lazy to fix the links to open in a separate window
       so be sure you RIGHT CLICK on the links so you won't have
       to hunt my journal up to go to the next link.

       Have fun:         
 Strange New Products
House Of Wonders
Free Banner Maker
Happy Thanksgiving from The Turkey  
~*~ Hand Prints In The Snow ~*~   
Human Body & Mind - Body - Senses Challenge
Aerial Movie
Drinking From My Saucer
The Library of Links ~Enough links for a life time + more~                                                  
Thanksgiving Links:

  Thanksgiving on the Net - Welcome
The First Thanksgiving
A Picture Time Line (Intro)
Thanksgiving: Its History, Customs, & Traditions
The Thanksgiving Story
Not Just for Kids! An American Thanksgiving for Kids and Families
Kids Domain - Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Traditions in the United States
Thanksgiving Recipes - All Recipes
The History Channel - Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Plimoth Plantation's Pilgrim Village and Native American Homesite in Plymouth, Massachusetts
Thanksgiving Point
The First Thanksgiving: Mayflower Home Page
Billy Bear's Happy Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Games -
Vegetarian Thanksgiving, 2005
Thanksgiving Crafts -
Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade & Macy's Online Store
Thanksgiving Central - All About Thanksgiving!
4Free Thanksgiving Clip Art Borders and Backgrounds!
Thanksgiving Day
A Canadian Thanksgiving Bountiful Thanksgiving - Free Thanksgiving Screen Saver, Free
Thanksgiving Wallpapers

In a Vegetarian Kitchen | Vegetarian Thanksgiving
DLTK's Thanksgiving Activities
Thanksgiving A Thanksgiving Story
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving and Remembrance Day
Thanksgiving Theme Unit - Reading Comprehensions, Word Searches, Coloring, Crosswords, and Math Worksheets!
Teacher Resources - Feature - Thanksgiving in American Memory: Founders
Crossword Puzzle - Thanksgiving (Aviva Furman) I-TESL-J
The First Thanksgiving Proclamation
National Day of Thanksgiving


Monday, November 21, 2005

Update on boycott?

Just to keep you informed.  Got this link from Joe's journal:

Angry AOL bloggers now push boycotts

I don't agree or disagree, I am just a messenger.



Rainy days and Mondays

          If you can't tell by the title of this entry you can get a huge
      hit about the weather from this background!  Actually it isn't
      raining at the moment but it rained all morning and is supposed
      to keep raining through tomorrow sometime.  I prefer summer
      rains to fall/winter rains.

      I've been updating over at my catalog place.  Doesn't seem like
      I have received as many catalogs this year as I did by this time
      time last year.  And of course I deleted all of last years when I
      started in on this years.  Oh, if you have no idea what I am
      talking about, I started keeping a list of all the catalogs I get
      in the mail from about Halloween until Christmas.  You should go
      check them out.  Some are really great.

       When I went to the ER a few weeks ago I had to pay a co-pay
        of $50.  Thank goodness that I just had that "small" co-pay! 
       Today I got a copy of the entire bill.  Total $4,010.35!  Can you
        believe?  Well it is probably cheaper than it would have been
        if they had admitted me.  In case your courious here is the
        breakdown:   Pharmacy ................................525.35
                            Respiratory Therapy..............58.00
                            Emergency Room.....................716.00

         This background is supposed to be animated but it keeps
         "stopping" as I write this.  Hope it works right after I hit

         I was flipping channels the other day and stopped on VH1.  If
         you don't have it it is a music channel that is supposed to (I
         think) for those of us that are not of the age that watches
        MTV.  Anyway.......They had this show on called: 
         50 Most Awesomely Bad Songs.....Ever.  Image to my surprise
        there were songs on the list that I liked!  I didn't think they
        were bad when the came out.  And some of the love songs I
        really didn't give a second thought to, now they are saying 
        if you listen to the words they sound more like a stalker than
        love.  Creepy!  Go check out the list.  See how many you really
        liked that made the "awesomely bad" list!  LOL

        I am sitting here with Sophie asleep on my desk and Sadie 
        dozing at my feet.  They know what rainy days are all about!

        Hang in there.  I am slowly but surely making journal rounds.


Saturday, November 19, 2005


I am so loving having broadband!  I am still 
doing the happy dance!  If I could just get 
Sophie to quit playing with all the cords!  Of 
course she was doing that before so it is nothing 
new.  I am so scared that she will bite something 
into that I can't get replaced and will have to buy 
a whole new system.  Is it possible to have a cord 
that goes to your computer that you can't replace? 
I am going to see if my dad can't rig up something 
to blog off most, if not all, the cords that she can 
get to.  What it will be I have no idea.  Maybe just  
a 3 sided box or a piece of wood attached to my desk. 
Anyone else with this problem?  

I have added a couple of links to my link 
page.  I am going to post them here to save 
you the trip to the other place.  and
United States Custome Image Generator 

now go and have some fun! 

Don't really have anything to say.  This back-  
ground isn't really working the way I had hoped. 
But I am going to leave it anyways.  

Take care everyone!   


PS as you can tell the background didn't work.  Had to take it down.  Oh well, I tried.                         

Friday, November 18, 2005

I've tried not to write about it.

I have tried not to say too much about what has J-land up in arms lately.  But I did think I would share this in case you didn't see it.  Joe - our editor -- shares this link with us  -----> Business Week Online.  Interesting how fast word got out to the "media".  Wonder if it will change anything?

Thats it.  I hope to say nothing more about the subject.


WOO HOO High Speed Internet!!!!

I'm flying now!
The cable guy just left.  Wow, I never dreamed things could go this fast!!!!!


I'm so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have encountered a couple of things that I don't quite understand but hopefully everything will work itself out. 

The whole welcome AOL screen is different and my mail looks totally different.  Oh, I can't save anything from my mail that is .gif as .gif.  It wants to save everything as .bmp.  Is this just me or has something changed and I need to fix it somehow?  Help!!!

Don't you ever sign off of high speed?  This is so totally weird. 

I can't find my favorites list, and I can't seem to have several windows open as easily as before.  Guess it is something I will have to get used to.  Or figure it out.  Like being on the internet for the first time!

See everyone around.  I can get there faster now.  I just got to find my favorites list so I can get there!  LOL


Update:  I just figured out what I was doing wrong!  I wasn't logging on to AOL like I did with dial up.  I was just clicking on "internet" as in internet explorer  -- same thing as the cable guy did  -- then loging onto AOL from there.  Like I was using an outside browser.  Whatever, I got it fixed now.  Think I may actually "have a clue" now.  LOL

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Moving on up! Not away, but up! LOL

     It's Thursday evening after 6:30 pm.  Ya know what that means?

     Ya don't know?

     It means that tomorrow at this time I will have high speed inter-
     net service!  Oh yeah, Kathy is moving on up!

    It seems so weird to be so happy over getting faster internet
    service when everyone (or so it seems) is leaving J-land.

    But I am happy.  I am thrilled!  Can't wait to see that cable guy

    Can you see me smiling and jumping up and down?  Can ya?  LOL

     Not so sure about this color text on this background.,

      I love squirrels!  I can watch them play for hours.

     See everyone later.


Wednesday, November 16, 2005


It looks like quite a few are leaving J-land (or atleast not journaling anymore) because of the ads.  Patrick is keeping a list of where people are going   ------> click here <------- There is no way I will able to keep up with everyone once they leave J-land.  Everyone is using different blog places. 

This is so sad.  I feel like I am losing friends.  I feel like there is no point in having high speed hooked up Friday.

I know everyone is upset, I am also, and I know you have to do what you have to do.  I am not knocking anyone for leaving.  It is just really upsetting to me.  Of course it has to happen when I am in that depression valley.


I don't have a title for this entry.

     Ok, this background may make you a little sea sick!  LOL  But I
     wanted to try it.  And I am not so sure what color I should use
     for the text.  Maybe I will switch colors throughout the entry!

     It seems that lots of people here in J-land are having journal
     problems.  Either with saving or with ads.  I am either blind or
     am sleeping through a lot but I haven't seen the ads.  Have they
     been taken down?  Or can I just not see them?  I guess I will
     soon find out if I have a problem with saving.  Hope not.

    It rained yesterday and the weather is supposed to get cooler the
    next few days.  It is actually starting to "act" like fall weather
    should.  I say I love cold weather but when the temps start changing
    I have problems adjusting.

    This coming  Friday I am supposed to get my high speed internet
     connection.  I still think the deal is too good to be true, but I
     have asked all the questions I can think to ask so I will just have
     to wait and see what happens $$$ wise.  Hopefully I won't have
     to turn around and have it taken out.  Dial up is giving me a lot
     of problems lately.

     My nieces' lives are crazy.  I should be used to how "out there"
     they can be (especially the oldest one), but I continue to get
     shocked.  The oldest is living with some guy in another state.
     He wants to get married and have kids.  Well the girl is married
     and is just now getting around to telling him!  He knows she has
     children (both have been adopted out) and had her tubes tied.
     He is from Mexico so he wants to take her next year to Mexico
     to get the operation reversed.  Why Mexico?  Supposed to be
     cheaper there, but if you ask me the travel and all will eat up
      any difference.  My niece says she tried to surpise him by learning
     some spanish and that he got mad.  Doesn't want her to learn
     Spanish.  Either my niece is lying (which she has been known to do)
     or this guy has some major problems.

      I'll save my middle niece for another entry sometime.

      Hope that this entry is readable.  If not I will take it down and
      try it again.

      Take care everyone.


     Update:  Ok, after I saved this entry the ad popped up!  Guess
     I had to update for it to show up here.  But I still haven't seen
     them at other journals.  Guess my eyes are playing tricks on me.


Monday, November 14, 2005

Update! Finally!

          Update:  I not only survived the stress test 
        but I "passed" it as well.  They told me 
        that everything looks ok.  The films they
        took of my heart all looked good.  Yeah.
        So that means that my problems are all
        anexity/panic related.  That's good news.
        While having panic attacks aren't great 
         news it is better than having heart 

         I love this background.  It looks like 
         smooth marble.

        While my dad worked on my out building--
        the one that was broken into-- he thought
        of what else was missing.  I knew some-
        thing was also gone but just couldn't think
        of it.  It was my kerosene heater.  I kept 
        it in the box it came in --big box-- with all
       the instructions.  Even had a little can of
       kerosene sitting beside it.  I had to use it
       winter before last (?) when I didn't have 
        power for almost a week.  Guess I will have
       to get another one sometime.  Can't believe
        that me nor my dad knew it was missing 
        right away, I mean it was in a big box!  
        Guess I need to take inventory of things
        and keep a list somewhere.  If my house 
        ever got robbed who knows what I 
        could be missing and not realize it!  

        Glad people liked my last entry.  I
       didn't think I was that interesting of
       a person!  LOL

       I can't believe it is almost Thanks-
      giving!  Where has this year gone?
      Why hasn't the weather turned cold 
     yet?  Today it is so warm that I have a
     fan on.

      I am trying to get my house cleaned up.
      I have to just get rid of stuff.  I have a 
      huge trash bag full of stuff for the Good-
      will.  And I still have tons more to go through.
      I kid that it would be easier to just get my
     cats and move -- leave everything behind --
     than to go through stuff and try to pry my 
     little fingers off things.  Things that I don't
     need, things that are just junking up my house. 
     Things thar are just things.

     Thanks everyone for their prayers.  They really 
     helped me get through the stress test.  You  
     guys are the best.


Sunday, November 13, 2005

Ok, survey first then another entry to update y'all

Survey like no other

This is making the rounds in J-Land, so I thought I’d play too:

1.   What sign are you?    Cancer  but I don't believe in all that stuff.

2.   What's your favorite color?   Green

3. How many waffles could you eat in one sitting?  depends on the waffle.  Probably 1 and half.

4. Can you touch your tounge to your nose?  Nope.  Why would I want it to?

5. If you had to choose between cats and dogs, which would it be? I love both.  I have cats because when I lived in apartments it wouldn't be fair to the dog.  I would love to have a dog now but I just don't think I am up to house breaking and walking it everyday.  So I have 2 beautiful black cats  Sadie and Sophie.

6. What's something you've learned recently?  hmmm.....I am learning (finally) more and more about my computer and some shortcuts in doing things.

7. What's your favorite quote?  gee....I guess it's really a bible verse: Be still and know that I am God.

8. What's your favorite entry in your own journal?  Long time ago I did 2 entries that I liked, or was it three? I will look them up and put the links here:

Sexy Men
My Favorite Place
Lawn Chairs

9. What color is your bedroom? the same white it was when I bought the place.  I would love to paint it shades of green though.

10. Where is your favorite place to visit? Ok, this goes back to one of those old entries:   My Favorite Place

11. What is one thing you want to accomplish this year? To finish cleaning out my aunt's house and get it painted.  I want to get it sold as soon as I can.

12. Why do you write in a journal? I haven't really thought about it.  I guess so I won't feel so alone in this world.  To know that someone out there knows how I feel.  To think that maybe, just maybe, someone thinks that in some small way that I matter.

13. What's your favorite joke?  I am lousy at joke telling.  I always get the punch line screwed up.

14. Do you like the city or the country?  I have always thought I would love to live in the country, but realistly I would die if I couldn't get to a store within 5 minutes or so.  I would feel too cut off from the rest of the world.

15. What style is your house decorated? decorated?  people actually have a style?  lol  I have no style.  I still have furniture from when I moved out from home 20 some old years ago.  I guess early yard sale, late someone gave me that?  lol

16. Who's your favorite artist? who came up with this survey?  gesh.  I don't know.  I do like John Rattenbury his stuff is so peaceful.

17. Can you pat your tummy and rub your head at the same time? Nope

18. Are you a nightowl? Not really

19. What's something you love in your house? I have a poster that I bought before I even moved out from home (it's framed now) of a turtle flying through the air with a frog on its back.  It's weird but I love it.


20. Do you believe in God? Yes. I am a christian.  I believe that Jesus died for me.

21. What hobby could you never give up? Reading

22. What color makes you think of Hope? green, it's like life is begining anew.

23. What color makes you think of Love? don't know.  I guess red. The whole your heart is red and valentines stuff thing.

24. What's your favorite flower? Daisies.  Love them!  If a man wanted to send me flowers? It would have to be daisies, forget roses.

25. If you had one wish for the world, what would it be? Peace

26. Whats the best surprise you have ever recieved? My first boyfriend brought me some hand picked daisies in the dead of winter.  He would never tell me how he got them in the winter.

27. What can you cook like no-one else? I am a lousy cook.

28. What do you think about most?  growing old alone

29. Who is your favorite poet?   Edgar A Guest

30. And last but not least, if you could wrap yourself up in one word...what would that word be?   asking that of a person that is suffering of depression will just get you a depressing answer.  ask me again when i am not in a valley

Thursday, November 10, 2005

I'm still around.

Today and yesterday were 
really long days!  I am so 
glad the week is almost 

Yesterday I went for the stress 
test.  When I made the appointment 
I was told that it would take about 3 1/2 
hours.  When I got there they said 
it could be close to 5 hours! 
I couldn't have anything to eat or 
drink from midnight Tuesday and  
my appointment wasn't until 10:30 am 
so I was straving and thristy by the time 
I got to the office.  They took me back and 
put in an IV and gave me something that 
would show up on the films they were going 
to take of my heart.  I had to wait an hour 
before they would take the first set of pictures. 
I couldn't have anything to drink until 
about 10 minutes before they 
took the first set of pictures. 
That gets me to about 11:45 am 
Now I have to wait until 
the room is empty to do the 
treadmill.  They have several 
people ahead of me.  Then the 
nurses just left for lunch sometime 
without telling those of us that were 
still waiting.  Remember I couldn't have 
anything more to drink or to eat 
until after I did the treadmill. 
It was close to 2:30 before I 
got to do the treadmill!  I was 
so mad, and hungry!  I do the tread- 
mill and they give me a pespi and a couple 
of graham crackers.  Now I have to wait for 
close to an hour for them to take more  
pictures of my heart.  Luckily they didn't 
make me wait the entire time so I got out 
around 3:30 pm . 
I won't know the results from 
the pictures they took until 
tomorrow or Monday.  But  
the PA said the ekg took 
while I was on the tread- 
mill looked good.  So now I 
just have to wait to see how the 
films of my heart turn out. 

So yesterday was unbelivably long. 
Then today!  Sadie woke me up 
early to feed her.  While 
standing in my kitchen I look 
out the window and notice the door 
to my building out back is open. 
Goodness, I was robbed!  I called my 
dad to come up and then I called the police. 
Luckily for me whoever broke in the building 
didn't take my lawn mower (brand new, just 
got it this year).  He/they did take my 
weed eater and a can of gas that I kept 
for the lawn mower. 
It took the police almost an hour 
to get here and to take a 
report.  My dad said that 
the weed eater was broken 
so whomever took it would 
probably have a tough time 
pawning it.  LOL  
While walking back to the front of my 
house with the police officer I stepped 
into a massive amount of dog poop.  
And, no I don't have a dog!
After seeing the cop off, talking 
to dad about what to do to get 
the building locked back up and  
to make it harder to get into, I go in the 
house just in time to clean up where a cat 
or two had thrown up several times. 
All before 9 am! 
Then I got ready to take my mom to the doctor,  
we then went out for lunch and I took her 
by the grocery store and my day 
was mostly gone.  

I have been having sooooo 
much fun!  LOL  But at least 
I do feel some better and my 
mood has improved since my 
last entry. 

Thank you everyone for all your
prayers.  They have been working. 
As soon as I hear back from the  
doctor I will let you know what he 
has to say about my heart. 

Take care everyone. 



Monday, November 7, 2005

Don't feel well.

I don't feel well at all.
Am I really sick?  Is something wrong with my heart?
Am I just stressed about the upcoming stress test? (which is on Wed)
Am I just coming down with something?
Is the physical just a part of the mental?
Things seem BIGGER when you are depressed.
Things seem WORSE when you are depressed.
Why do I have to suffer like this?
Why can't I be normal?
Life isn't fair.
I just don't feel good at all.
Pray for me.

Saturday, November 5, 2005

The VIVI awards are tonight.

          Well they are going to announce the 
     winners of the VIVI awards tonight.  It
     will be during a chat at 9 pm eastern time
     tonight.  Go here ----->>> VIVI  to
     read about it and to find out where to
     go. I won't be there so you will have to
     keep notes on everything and fill me in

     Tonight I am throwing myself a pity-
     party.  It has been awhile and I think
     now is as good as time to do it.

     Why a pity party?  Gee, I don't think
     AOL would give me enough space to get
     it all out.  Lets just say this.  I suffer
     from clinical depression, and right now I
     am not only depressed but I am worrying
     about things I have no control over.  I am
     feeling sorry for myself.  I wish I could
     be more normal.  I wish I had some friends
    that would be there for me.  But I don't.
     The people I believed to be friends dis-
    appeared when I first got sick.  I guess
     they thought it was catching or something.
     Actually I think most people think I just
     have the blues and I should be able to get
     over it.  Well, it ain't the blues and I
     can't just "get over it."

      So much has been happening lately that
     I just can't handle it all right now.  So
     I am going to sit myself down with as much
     junk food as I can find and plant myself
     in front of the tv.  Forget the laundry,
     forget how dirty my house is, how over
     weight I am, forget about my lousy
     brother, and my entire lousy life and eat
     myself silly.

     I have so much to do around the house,
     and hundreds of emails (from the groups
     I am a member of) that there is no way
     I could even put a dent in what needs to
     be done. 

     So that calls for a pity party.  I'll eat
     myself silly and go to sleep.  Tomorrow is
     another day and hopefully I will be in a
     better mood then.

     Have fun at the VIVI party tonight.

     I love this background.  What do you 


Wednesday, November 2, 2005

November already?

I have an appointment next 
Wednesday to have the stress 
test.  I am not looking forward 
to it.  But it is best to  do 
it and make sure everything 
is ok. 

I went to the dentist today. 
Just my regular 6 month check- 
up.  I was really glad to see my 
dentist back at work.  He had 
been out because he had to have 
heart surgery.  He had a 
leaky valve or something 
like that. 

The right side of this background 
isn't expanding right.  Or maybe 
I am doing something wrong.  Gee...... 

Tomorrow I have to take my dad 
for the first of his physical thearpy  
on the knee he had operated on  
a little while back.  I don't 
mind taking him, but I  just 
know it will be painful for him 
and he is such a big baby 
when it comes to pain. 

I let October go by without  
getting a mamogram so I will 
go this friday to have it done. 
I don't expect anything to show 
up so I am not worried about it. 

Hope this entry looks good. 
The content may be lacking  
so the least I can do is have 
it look good!  LOL 
